
Showing posts from April, 2021
  · Big Bang The Universe we know nowadays began in a Big Bang about 14 billion years ago. The entire Universe was inside a bubble thousands of times smaller than a pinhead. Then, it suddenly exploded. The Universe was born. Time, space and was created. In less than a second, the Universe grew to a whole galaxy.  As the Universe expanded and grew it cooled and particles changed to matter and antimatter. These two types of particles destroyed each other, although some matter survived. More particles like neutrons, protons and atoms started to form when the Universe was one second old. Within the first seconds, the entire Universe’s temperature dropped 1 billion degrees Celsius and it was cold enough for the protons and neutrons to come together, forming hydrogen and helium nuclei. After 300 000 years, the Universe had cooled to about 3000 degrees.

Astronomer's Timeline - Task 3


Famous Astronomers - Task 2

Famous Astronomers Charles Messier Date of Birth: June 26th of 1730 Main Thinking: He is known because he compiled a total number of 110 objects from outer space. This catalog was published in 1774 with his name. Ptolomeo  Date of birth: 100 a.C Main Thinking: He is known for his greatest work on astronomy, the Almagest. It included a catalog of stars and a series of tables that helped calculate the position of the planets, the Sun and the Moon and solar and lunar eclipses. This text was the largest astronomical treatise for 1500 years after his death, making him a really famous astronomer. Galileo Galilei Date of birth: February 15th of 1564 Main Thinking: He is the most well-known astronomer because of his extended knowledge about astronomy and all the theories he made. He used the telescope when it was recently invented to study the sky and the planets. He was the first one to notice the Saturn Rings and several moons of Jupiter.   Nicolas Copernic Date of birth: February 19th of 14

Astronomy Vocabulary - Task 1

  Català Anglès Any Llum Light Year Astrònom Astronomer Sistema Solar Solar System Via Làctia Milky Way Planeta Planet Espai Space Lluna Moon Telescopi Telescope Sol Sun Nova Nova Estrella Star Constel·lació Constellation Meteorit Meteorite Asteroide Asteroid Satèl·lit Satellite Forat Negre Black Hole Univers Universe Galàxia Galaxy Big Bang Big Bang Nau Ship Anells de Saturn Saturn Rings Atmósfera Atmosphere Gravetat Gravity